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“# Contributing n”, “n”, “Contributions to `popsynth` are always welcome. They can come in the form of:n”, “n”, “## Bug reportsn”, “n”, “Please use the [Github issue tracking system for anyn”, “bugs](https://github.com/grburgess/popsynth/issues), for questions,n”, “and or feature requests.n”, “n”, “## Code and more distributionsn”, “n”, “While it is easy to create custom distributions in your local setup,n”, “if you would like to add them to popsynth directly, go ahead. Pleasen”, “include tests to ensure that your contributions are compatible withn”, “the code and can be maintained in the long term.n”, “n”, “## Documentationn”, “n”, “Additions or examples, tutorials, or better explanations are alwaysn”, “welcome. To ensure that the documentation builds with the currentn”, “version of the software, I am usingn”, “[jupytext](https://jupytext.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) to write then”, “documentation in Markdown. These are automatically converted to andn”, “executed as jupyter notebooks when changes are pushed to Github.n”, “n”



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