Source code for popsynth.population_synth

from abc import ABCMeta
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Union

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.integrate as integrate

import yaml
from IPython.display import Markdown, Math, display

# from numpy.typing import np.ndarray

from popsynth.auxiliary_sampler import (
from popsynth.distribution import LuminosityDistribution, SpatialDistribution
from popsynth.distributions.cosmological_distribution import CosmologicalDistribution
from popsynth.population import Population
from popsynth.selection_probability import SelectionProbability, UnitySelection
from popsynth.utils.logging import setup_logger
from popsynth.utils.registry import (

log = setup_logger(__name__)

[docs]class PopulationSynth(object, metaclass=ABCMeta):
[docs] def __init__( self, spatial_distribution: SpatialDistribution, luminosity_distribution: Optional[LuminosityDistribution] = None, seed: int = 1234, ): """ Basic and generic population synth. One specifies the spatial and luminosity distribution OR derived luminosity distribution and everything is setup. :param spatial_distribution: The spatial distribution to sample locations from :type spatial_distribution: :class:`SpatialDistribution` :param luminosity_distribution: The optional luminosity distribution :type luminosity_distribution: :class:`LuminosityDistribution` :param seed: Random seed :type seed: int """ self._n_model = 500 # type: int self._seed = int(seed) # type: int # this is a container for things passed to # stan self._model_spaces = {} # type: dict self._auxiliary_observations: Dict[str, AuxiliarySampler] = {} self._graph = nx.DiGraph() # type: nx.Digraph if not isinstance(spatial_distribution, SpatialDistribution): log.error("the spatial_distribution is the wrong type") raise RuntimeError() self._name = f"{}" # type: str if luminosity_distribution is not None: if not isinstance(luminosity_distribution, LuminosityDistribution): log.error("the luminosity_distribution is the wrong type") raise RuntimeError() self._name = f"{self._name}_{}" self._spatial_distribution = spatial_distribution # type: SpatialDistribution self._luminosity_distribution = ( luminosity_distribution ) # type: Union[LuminosityDistribution, None] self._has_derived_luminosity = False # type: bool self._derived_luminosity_sampler = ( None) # type: Union[DerivedLumAuxSampler, None] # set the selections be fully seen unless it is set by the user self._distance_selector: SelectionProbability = UnitySelection( name="unity distance selector") self._flux_selector: SelectionProbability = UnitySelection( name="unity flux selector") # check to see if the selectors are set self._distance_selector_set: bool = False self._flux_selector_set: bool = False self._spatial_selector: Optional[SelectionProbability] = None self._params = {} # type: dict # keep a list of parameters here for checking for k, v in self._spatial_distribution.params.items(): self._params[k] = v if self._luminosity_distribution is not None: for k, v in self._luminosity_distribution.params.items(): self._params[k] = v self._graph.add_node(
# add the sky sampler
[docs] def clean(self, reset: bool = False): """ Clean the auxiliary samplers, selections, etc from the population synth :param reset: If `True`, reset any attached distributions and samplers :type reset: bool """ if reset: for k, v in self._auxiliary_observations.items(): v.reset() log.warning("removing all registered Auxiliary Samplers") self._auxiliary_observations = {} if reset: if self._derived_luminosity_sampler is not None: self._derived_luminosity_sampler.reset() self._derived_luminosity_sampler = None self._has_derived_luminosity = False self._distance_selector_set = False self._flux_selector_set = False log.warning("removing flux selector") if reset: self._flux_selector.reset() self._flux_selector = UnitySelection(name="unity flux selector") log.warning("removing distance selector") if reset: self._distance_selector.reset() self._distance_selector = UnitySelection( name="unity distance selector") log.warning("removing spatial selector") if reset: if self._spatial_selector is not None: self._spatial_selector.reset() self._spatial_selector = None
[docs] def write_to(self, file_name: str) -> None: """ Write the population synth to a YAML file. :param file_name: the file name of the output YAML :type file_name: str """ with open(file_name, "w") as f: yaml.dump( stream=f, data=self.to_dict(), default_flow_style=False, Dumper=yaml.SafeDumper, )
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Convert the population synth to a dictionary :returns: Popsynth dict :rtype: Dict[str, Any] """ output: Dict[str, Any] = {} output["seed"] = self._seed # store the spatial distribution spatial_distribution = {} spatial_distribution[ self._spatial_distribution. _distribution_name] = self._spatial_distribution.truth # store is_rate if cosmological distribution if isinstance(self._spatial_distribution, CosmologicalDistribution): spatial_distribution[ "is_rate"] = self._spatial_distribution._is_rate output["spatial distribution"] = spatial_distribution # if there is a luminosity distribution # then get it and store it if self._luminosity_distribution is not None: luminosity_distribution = {} luminosity_distribution[ self._luminosity_distribution. _distribution_name] = self._luminosity_distribution.truth output["luminosity distribution"] = luminosity_distribution if self._flux_selector_set: flux_selection = {} flux_selection[self._flux_selector. _selection_name] = self._flux_selector.parameters output["flux selection"] = flux_selection if self._distance_selector_set: distance_selection = {} distance_selection[ self._distance_selector. _selection_name] = self._distance_selector.parameters output["distance selection"] = distance_selection if self._spatial_selector is not None: spatial_selection = {} spatial_selection[ self._spatial_selector. _selection_name] = self._spatial_selector.parameters output["spatial selection"] = spatial_selection aux_samplers = {} for k, v in self._auxiliary_observations.items(): tmp = {} tmp["type"] = v._auxiliary_sampler_name tmp["observed"] = v.observed for k2, v2 in v.truth.items(): tmp[k2] = v2 tmp["secondary"] = list(v.secondary_samplers.keys()) selection = {} selection[v.selector._selection_name] = v.selector.parameters tmp["selection"] = selection aux_samplers[k] = tmp if v.has_secondary: aux_samplers = v.get_secondary_objects(aux_samplers) output["auxiliary samplers"] = aux_samplers return output
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, input: Dict[str, Any]) -> "PopulationSynth": """ Build a PopulationSynth object from a dictionary :param input: the dictionary from which to build :type input: Dict[str, Any] :returns: Popsynth object :rtype: :class:`PopulationSynth` """ if "luminosity distribution" in input: # try: # load the name and parameters tmp = input["luminosity distribution"] ld_name = list(tmp.keys())[0] # create the instance luminosity_distribution: LuminosityDistribution = distribution_registry[ ld_name] # now set the values of the parameters log.debug(f"setting parameters for {ld_name}") for k, v in tmp[ld_name].items(): log.debug(f"trying to set {k} to {v}") for x in luminosity_distribution.__class__.mro(): if k in x.__dict__: setattr(luminosity_distribution, k, float(v)) break log.debug(f"{luminosity_distribution.params}") else: luminosity_distribution = None # try tmp = input["spatial distribution"] sd_name = list(tmp.keys())[0] spatial_distribution: SpatialDistribution = distribution_registry[ sd_name] for k, v in tmp[sd_name].items(): log.debug(f"trying to set {k} to {v}") for x in spatial_distribution.__class__.mro(): if k in x.__dict__: setattr(spatial_distribution, k, float(v)) break if isinstance(spatial_distribution, CosmologicalDistribution): spatial_distribution._is_rate = tmp["is_rate"] seed: int = input["seed"] # create the poopulation synth pop_synth: PopulationSynth = cls( spatial_distribution, luminosity_distribution=luminosity_distribution, seed=seed, ) # if there is a flux selection # then add it on if "flux selection" in input: tmp = input["flux selection"] if tmp is not None: fs_name = list(tmp.keys())[0] # extract the parameters params = tmp[fs_name] if params is None: params = {} log.debug(f"flux selection parameters {params}") # make sure they are all floats fs = selection_registry.get(fs_name) for k, v in params.items(): log.debug(f"trying to set {k} to {v}") for x in fs.__class__.mro(): if k in x.__dict__: setattr(fs, k, float(v)) break # oh yes we are doing that fs._use_flux = True pop_synth.set_flux_selection(fs) if "distance selection" in input: tmp = input["distance selection"] if tmp is not None: ds_name = list(tmp.keys())[0] log.debug(f"adding distance selection {ds_name}") # extract the parameters params = tmp[ds_name] if params is None: params = {} log.debug(f"distance selection parameters {params}") # make sure they are all floats ds = selection_registry.get(ds_name) for k, v in params.items(): log.debug(f"trying to set {k} to {v}") for x in ds.__class__.mro(): if k in x.__dict__: setattr(ds, k, float(v)) break ds._use_distance = True pop_synth.set_distance_selection(ds) if "spatial selection" in input: tmp = input["spatial selection"] if tmp is not None: ss_name = list(tmp.keys())[0] log.debug(f"adding distance selection {ss_name}") # extract the parameters params = tmp[ss_name] if params is None: params = {} log.debug(f"spatial selection parameters {params}") ss = selection_registry.get(ss_name) # make sure they are all floats for k, v in params.items(): log.debug(f"trying to set {k} to {v}") for x in ss.__class__.mro(): if k in x.__dict__: setattr(ss, k, float(v)) break pop_synth.add_spatial_selector(ss) # Now collect the auxiliary samplers # we will gather them so that we can sort out dependencies aux_samplers: Dict[str, AuxiliarySampler] = OrderedDict() secondary_samplers: [str, str] = OrderedDict() if "auxiliary samplers" in input: for obj_name, v in input["auxiliary samplers"].items(): # first we extract the required info sampler_name = v.pop("type") is_observed = v.pop("observed") # now we extract the selection # and secondary if they are there log.debug( f"starting to scan {obj_name} of type {sampler_name}") if "selection" in v: selection = v.pop("selection") else: selection = None if "secondary" in v: log.debug(f"auxiliary sampler {obj_name} has secondaries") secondary = v.pop("secondary") if isinstance(secondary, dict): secondary = list(np.atleast_1d(list(secondary.keys()))) else: secondary = list(np.atleast_1d(secondary)) log.debug(f"secondaries are {secondary}") else: secondary = None if "init variables" in v: init_variables = v.pop("init variables") if init_variables is None: init_variables = {} else: init_variables = {} # since we have popped everything # all that is left should be parameters params = v # now build the object try: tmp: AuxiliarySampler = auxiliary_parameter_registry.get( sampler_name, name=obj_name, observed=is_observed, **init_variables, ) except (TypeError): # try without name try: tmp: AuxiliarySampler = auxiliary_parameter_registry.get( sampler_name, # name=obj_name, observed=is_observed, **init_variables, ) except (TypeError): try: tmp: AuxiliarySampler = auxiliary_parameter_registry.get( sampler_name, name=obj_name, # observed=is_observed, **init_variables, ) except (TypeError): tmp: AuxiliarySampler = auxiliary_parameter_registry.get( sampler_name, **init_variables) # we will do a dirty trick tmp._name = obj_name tmp._is_observed = is_observed log.debug(f"setting parameters for {sampler_name}: {obj_name}") # now set the parameters for k, v in params.items(): log.debug(f"trying to set {k} to {v}") for x in tmp.__class__.mro(): if k in x.__dict__: setattr(tmp, k, float(v)) break log.debug(f"{tmp.truth}") if selection is not None: sel_name = list(selection.keys())[0] log.debug(f"adding selection {sel_name}") # extract the parameters params = selection[sel_name] if params is None: params = {} log.debug(f"selection parameters {params}") # make sure they are all floats selector = selection_registry.get(sel_name) for k, v in params.items(): if k in selector.__class__.__dict__: setattr(selector, k, float(v)) selector._use_obs_value = True tmp.set_selection_probability(selector) # now we store this sampler log.debug(f"{obj_name} built") aux_samplers[obj_name] = tmp # if there is a secondary sampler, # we need to make a mapping if secondary is not None: log.debug( f"{obj_name} is adding {secondary} as secondaries") secondary_samplers[obj_name] = secondary # Now we have collected all of the auxiliary samplers # we need to assign those which are secondary log.debug(f"have {list(aux_samplers.keys())} as aux samplers") for primary, secondaries in secondary_samplers.items(): for secondary in secondaries: if secondary is None: break # assign it aux_samplers[primary].set_secondary_sampler( aux_samplers[secondary]) # now we need to pop all the secondaries from the main # list so that we do not double add for secondaries in list(secondary_samplers.values()): for secondary in secondaries: if secondary in aux_samplers: aux_samplers.pop(secondary) # now we add the observed quantites on for k, v in aux_samplers.items(): pop_synth.add_observed_quantity(v) return pop_synth
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, file_name: str) -> "PopulationSynth": """ read the population in from a yaml file :param file_name: the file name of the population synth """ with open(file_name) as f: input: Dict[str, Any] = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader) return cls.from_dict(input)
@property def spatial_distribution(self) -> SpatialDistribution: return self._spatial_distribution @property def luminosity_distribution(self) -> Union[LuminosityDistribution, None]: return self._luminosity_distribution
[docs] def add_model_space(self, name, start, stop, log=True): """ Add a model space for stan generated quantities :param name: Name that Stan will use :param start: Start of the grid :param stop: Stop of the grid :param log: Use log10 or not """ if log: space = np.logspace(np.log10(start), np.log10(stop), self._n_model) else: space = np.linspace(start, stop, self._n_model) self._model_spaces[name] = space
[docs] def add_auxiliary_sampler(self, auxiliary_sampler: Union[DerivedLumAuxSampler, AuxiliarySampler]): """ Add an auxiliary sampler or derived luminosity sampler to the population synth. :param auxiliary_sampler: The auxiliary_sampler :type auxiliary_sampler: Union[DerivedLumAuxSampler, AuxiliarySampler] """ self.add_observed_quantity(auxiliary_sampler)
[docs] def add_observed_quantity(self, auxiliary_sampler: Union[DerivedLumAuxSampler, AuxiliarySampler]): """ Add an auxiliary sampler or derived luminosity sampler to the population synth :param auxiliary_sampler: The auxiliary_sampler :type auxiliary_sampler: Union[DerivedLumAuxSampler, AuxiliarySampler] """ if isinstance(auxiliary_sampler, DerivedLumAuxSampler): f"registering derived luminosity sampler: {}" ) self._has_derived_luminosity = True self._derived_luminosity_sampler = auxiliary_sampler elif isinstance(auxiliary_sampler, AuxiliarySampler): if auxiliary_sampler.is_secondary: log.error( f"{} is already set as a secondary sampler!" ) log.error( f"and registered to {','.join(auxiliary_sampler.parents)}") raise RuntimeError() if in self._auxiliary_observations: log.error(f"{} is already registered!") raise RuntimeError()"registering auxilary sampler: %s" % self._auxiliary_observations[] = auxiliary_sampler else: log.error("This not an auxiliary sampler") raise RuntimeError()
[docs] def set_distance_selection(self, selector: SelectionProbability) -> None: """ Set the selection type for the distance. :param selector: The selector :type selector: :class:`SelectionProbability` """ if not isinstance(selector, SelectionProbability): log.error(f"{selector} is not a Selection probability") raise RuntimeError() self._distance_selector = selector self._distance_selector_set = True
[docs] def set_flux_selection(self, selector: SelectionProbability) -> None: """ Set the selection type for the flux :param selector: The selector :type selector: :class:`SelectionProbability` """ if not isinstance(selector, SelectionProbability): log.error(f"{selector} is not a Selection probability") raise RuntimeError() self._flux_selector = selector self._flux_selector_set = True
[docs] def add_spatial_selector(self, spatial_selector: SelectionProbability) -> None: """ Add a spatial selector into the mix :param spatial_selector: The spatial selector :type spatial_selector: :class:`SelectionProbability` """ if not isinstance(spatial_selector, SelectionProbability): log.error(f"{spatial_selector} is not a Selection probability") raise RuntimeError() self._spatial_selector = spatial_selector
@property def name(self) -> str: return self._name
[docs] def draw_log10_fobs(self, f, f_sigma, size=1) -> np.ndarray: """ Draw the log10 of the the fluxes. """ log10_f = np.log10(f) # sample from the log distribution to keep positive fluxes log10_fobs = log10_f + np.random.normal( loc=0, scale=f_sigma, size=size) return log10_fobs
[docs] def draw_log_fobs(self, f, f_sigma, size=1) -> np.ndarray: """ Draw the log10 of the the fluxes. """ log_f = np.log(f) # sample from the log distribution to keep positive fluxes log_fobs = log_f + np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=f_sigma, size=size) return log_fobs
[docs] def draw_survey( self, flux_sigma: Optional[float] = None, log10_flux_draw: bool = True, ) -> Population: """ Draw the total survey and return a :class:`Population` object. This will sample all attached distributions and apply selection functions. If a value of flux_sigma is given, the log10 observed fluxes are sampled with measurement error. :param flux_sigma: The homoskedastic sigma for the flux in log10 space :type flux_sigma: Optional[float] :param log10_flux_draw: if `True`, fluxes are drawn in log space :type log10_flux_draw: bool :return: a Population object :rtype: :class:`Population` """ # this stores all the "true" population values from all the samplers truth = dict() # type: dict # store the spatial distributVion truths truth[] = self._spatial_distribution.truth # set the random seed np.random.seed(self._seed) # create a callback of the integrand dNdr = (lambda r: self._spatial_distribution.dNdV( r) * self._spatial_distribution.differential_volume(r) / self. _spatial_distribution.time_adjustment(r)) # integrate the population to determine the true number of # objects N = integrate.quad(dNdr, 0.0, self._spatial_distribution.r_max)[0] # type: float"The volume integral is %f" % N) # this should be poisson distributed n = np.random.poisson(N) # type: np.int64 self._spatial_distribution.draw_distance(size=n) # now draw the sky positions self._spatial_distribution.draw_sky_positions(size=n) distances = self._spatial_distribution.distances # type: np.ndarray"Expecting %d total objects" % n) # first check if the auxilliary samplers # compute the luminosities # setup the global selection global_selection: SelectionProbability = UnitySelection(name="global") # now we set up the selection that _may_ come # from the auxilliary samplers auxiliary_selection: SelectionProbability = UnitySelection( name="total auxiliary selection") auxiliary_quantities: SecondaryStorage = SecondaryStorage() # this means the luminosity is not # simulated directy if self.luminosity_distribution is None: if not self._has_derived_luminosity: log.error("No luminosity distribution was specified") log.error( "and no derived luminosity auxiliary sampler was added") raise RuntimeError() if self._has_derived_luminosity: log.debug("using a derived luminosity sampler") # pbar.set_description(desc='Getting derived luminosities') # set the distance to the auxilary sampler self._derived_luminosity_sampler.set_spatial_values( self._spatial_distribution.spatial_values) # sample the true and obs # values which are held internally self._derived_luminosity_sampler.draw(size=n) log.debug("derived luminosity sampled") # check to make sure we sampled! assert (self._derived_luminosity_sampler.true_values is not None and len(self._derived_luminosity_sampler.true_values) == n) assert (self._derived_luminosity_sampler.obs_values is not None and len(self._derived_luminosity_sampler.obs_values) == n) # append these values to a dict auxiliary_quantities.add_secondary( SecondaryContainer(, self._derived_luminosity_sampler.true_values, self._derived_luminosity_sampler.obs_values, self._derived_luminosity_sampler.selector, ))"Getting luminosity from derived sampler") luminosities = ( self._derived_luminosity_sampler.compute_luminosity() ) # type: np.ndarray # collect anything that was sampled here # store the truth from the derived lum sampler truth[self._derived_luminosity_sampler. name] = self._derived_luminosity_sampler.truth log.debug("sampling ") for k2, v2 in self._derived_luminosity_sampler.secondary_samplers.items( ): # first we tell the sampler to go and retrieve all of # its own secondaries auxiliary_quantities += v2.get_secondary_properties() # properties = v2.get_secondary_properties() # type: dict # for k3, v3 in properties.items(): # # now attach them # auxiliary_quantities[k3] = v3 # store the secondary truths # this will _could_ be clobbered later # but that is ok truth[] = v2.truth else: luminosities = self.luminosity_distribution.draw_luminosity( size=n) # type: np.ndarray # store the truths from the luminosity distribution truth[self.luminosity_distribution. name] = self.luminosity_distribution.truth # transform the fluxes fluxes = self._spatial_distribution.transform( luminosities, distances) # type: np.ndarray # now sample any auxilary quantities # if needed for k, v in self._auxiliary_observations.items(): assert ( not v.is_secondary ), "This is a secondary sampler. You cannot sample it in the main sampler" # set the luminosities and distances to # auxilary sampler just in case # they are needed v.set_luminosity(luminosities) v.set_spatial_values(self._spatial_distribution.spatial_values) # also set luminosities and distances to secondaries # as needed for k2, v2 in v.secondary_samplers.items(): if v2.uses_luminosity: v2.set_luminosity(luminosities) if v2.uses_distance: v2.set_spatial_values( self._spatial_distribution.spatial_values) # sample the true and obs # values which are held internally # this will also invoke secondary samplers v.draw(size=n) # store the auxilliary truths truth[] = v.truth # check to make sure we sampled! assert v.true_values is not None and len(v.true_values) == n assert v.obs_values is not None and len(v.obs_values) == n auxiliary_quantities += v.get_secondary_properties() # # append these values to a dict # auxiliary_quantities[k] = { # "true_values": v.true_values, # "obs_values": v.obs_values, # "selection": v.selector, # } # type: dict # collect the secondary values for k2, v2 in v.secondary_samplers.items(): # first we tell the sampler to go and retrieve all of # its own secondaries # properties = v2.get_secondary_properties() # type: dict # for k3, v3 in properties.items(): # # now attach them # auxiliary_quantities[k3] = v3 # store the secondary truths truth[] = v2.truth # pbar.update() # now draw all the observed fluxes # this is homoskedastic for now if not isinstance(self._flux_selector, UnitySelection): if flux_sigma is not None: log.debug("assuming that fluxes will be jittered") if log10_flux_draw: log.debug("making a log10 flux draw") log10_fluxes_obs = self.draw_log10_fobs( fluxes, flux_sigma, size=n) # type: np.ndarray flux_obs = np.power(10, log10_fluxes_obs) else: log.debug("making a logflux draw") log10_fluxes_obs = self.draw_log_fobs( fluxes, flux_sigma, size=n) # type: np.ndarray flux_obs = np.exp(log10_fluxes_obs) assert np.alltrue(np.isfinite(log10_fluxes_obs)) else: log.debug("observed fluxes are latent fluxes") flux_obs = fluxes log10_fluxes_obs = np.log10(fluxes) flux_sigma = -1 # this is a dummy else: log.debug("observed fluxes are latent fluxes") flux_obs = fluxes log10_fluxes_obs = np.log10(fluxes) flux_sigma = -1 # this is a dummy"applying selection to fluxes") # pass the values the plux selector and draw the selection self._flux_selector.set_observed_flux(flux_obs) # selection = self._flux_selector.selection # now apply the selection from the auxilary samplers for k, v in auxiliary_quantities.items(): # unity selections don't add anything if isinstance(v["selection"], UnitySelection): log.debug(f"skipping {k} selection because it is unity") continue auxiliary_selection += v["selection"] "Applying selection from %s which selected %d of %d objects" % (k, v["selection"].n_selected, v["selection"].n_objects)) "Before auxiliary selection there were %d objects selected" % self._flux_selector.n_selected) # now we can add the values onto the global # selection # not in the future we will depreciate the # no selection feature global_selection += auxiliary_selection global_selection += self._flux_selector # now scan the spatial selector if self._spatial_selector is not None: self._spatial_selector.set_spatial_distribution( self._spatial_distribution) f"Appling selection from {} which selected {self._spatial_selector.n_selected} of {self._spatial_selector.n_objects}" ) global_selection += self._spatial_selector if global_selection.n_selected == n: log.warning("NO HIDDEN OBJECTS") known_distances = distances[global_selection.selection][ self._distance_selector.selection] known_distance_idx = self._distance_selector.selection_index unknown_distance_idx = self._distance_selector.non_selection_index"Detected {len(known_distances)} distances") try: f"Detected {global_selection.n_selected} objects out to a distance of {max(known_distances):.2f}" ) except: log.warning("No Objects detected") # just to make sure we do not do anything nutty lf_params = None lf_form = None if self._luminosity_distribution is not None: lf_params = self._luminosity_distribution.params lf_form = self._luminosity_distribution.form # if distance_probability is None: # distance_probability = 1.0 return Population( luminosities=luminosities, distances=distances, known_distances=known_distances, known_distance_idx=known_distance_idx, unknown_distance_idx=unknown_distance_idx, fluxes=fluxes, flux_obs=flux_obs, selection=global_selection.selection, flux_sigma=flux_sigma, r_max=self._spatial_distribution.r_max, n_model=self._n_model, lf_params=lf_params, spatial_params=self._spatial_distribution.params, model_spaces=self._model_spaces, seed=self._seed, name=self._name, spatial_form=self._spatial_distribution.form, lf_form=lf_form, auxiliary_quantities=auxiliary_quantities, truth=truth, graph=self.graph, theta=self._spatial_distribution.theta, phi=self._spatial_distribution.phi, pop_synth=self.to_dict(), )
[docs] def display(self) -> None: """ Display the simulation parameters. """ if self._has_derived_luminosity: display(Markdown("## Luminosity Function")) self._derived_luminosity_sampler.display() elif self._luminosity_distribution is not None: display(Markdown("## Luminosity Function")) self._luminosity_distribution.display() display(Markdown("## Spatial Function")) self._spatial_distribution.display() names = [] if self._has_derived_luminosity: for k, v in self._derived_luminosity_sampler.secondary_samplers.items( ): names.append(k) display(Markdown(f"## {k}")) v.display() for k, v in self._auxiliary_observations.items(): if k not in names: display(Markdown(f"## {k}")) v.display()
def __repr__(self) -> str: if self._has_derived_luminosity: out = "Luminosity Function\n" out += self._derived_luminosity_sampler.__repr__() elif self._luminosity_distribution is not None: out = "Luminosity Function\n" out += self._luminosity_distribution.__repr__() out += "Spatial Function\n" out += self._spatial_distribution.__repr__() names = [] if self._has_derived_luminosity: for k, v in self._derived_luminosity_sampler.secondary_samplers.items( ): names.append(k) out += v.__repr__() for k, v in self._auxiliary_observations.items(): if k not in names: out += v.__repr__() return out # def generate_stan_code(self, stan_gen, **kwargs): # pass @property def graph(self): self._build_graph() return self._graph def _build_graph(self): """ Builds the graph for all the samplers. """ # first check out the luminosity sampler self._graph.add_node("obs_flux", observed=True) self._graph.add_edge(, "obs_flux") if self._has_derived_luminosity: self._graph.add_node( self._graph.add_edge(, "obs_flux") if self._derived_luminosity_sampler.uses_distance: self._graph.add_edge(,, ) for k2, v2 in self._derived_luminosity_sampler.secondary_samplers.items( ): self._graph.add_node(k2) self._graph.add_edge(k2, # pass the graph and the primary _ = v2.get_secondary_properties( graph=self._graph, primary=k2, spatial_distribution=self._spatial_distribution, ) else: self._graph.add_edge(, "obs_flux") # now do the same fro everything else for k, v in self._auxiliary_observations.items(): assert ( not v.is_secondary ), "This is a secondary sampler. You cannot sample it in the main sampler" self._graph.add_node(k, observed=False) if v.observed: self._graph.add_node(v.obs_name, observed=False) self._graph.add_edge(k, v.obs_name) if v.uses_distance: self._graph.add_edge(, k) for k2, v2 in v.secondary_samplers.items(): # first we tell the sampler to go and retrieve all of # its own secondaries self._graph.add_edge(k2, k) self._graph.add_node(k2, observed=False) if v2.uses_distance: self._graph.add_edge(, k2) if v2.observed: self._graph.add_node(v2.obs_name, observed=True) self._graph.add_edge(k2, v2.obs_name) _ = v2.get_secondary_properties( graph=self._graph, primary=k2, spatial_distribution=self._spatial_distribution, )