Source code for popsynth.distributions.spiral_galaxy_distribution

import numpy as np
from scipy import random as rd

from popsynth.distribution import DistributionParameter
from popsynth.distributions.spherical_distribution import SphericalDistribution

[docs]class SpiralGalaxyDistribution(SphericalDistribution): _distribution_name = "SpiralGalaxyDistribution" rho = DistributionParameter(vmin=0) a = DistributionParameter() b = DistributionParameter() R1 = DistributionParameter() R0 = DistributionParameter()
[docs] def __init__( self, seed: int = 1234, name: str = "spiral_galaxy", form: str = None, ): """ A spiral galaxy spatial distribution. :param seed: Random seed :type seed: int :param name: Name of the distribution :type name: str :param form: Mathematical description of distribution :type form: str :param rho: Local density :type rho: :class:`DistributionParameter` :param a: Shape parameter :type a: :class:`DistributionParameter` :param b: Shape parameter :type b: :class:`DistributionParameter` :param R1: Scale parameter :type R1: :class:`DistributionParameter` :param R0: Scale parameter :type R0: :class:`DistributionParameter` """ spatial_form = r"\rho \Big(\frac{r + R_1}{R_0+R_1}\Big)^a " spatial_form += r"\exp\Big[-b \frac{r-R_0}{R_0 + R_1}\Big]" super(SpiralGalaxyDistribution, self).__init__( seed=seed, name=name, form=form, )
[docs] def dNdV(self, r): return (self.rho * np.power( (r + self.R1) / (self.R0 + self.R1), self.a, ) * np.exp(-self.b * (r - self.R0) / (self.R0 + self.R1)))
[docs] def draw_sky_positions(self, size): """ Based on Wainscoat 1992 and Faucher-Giguere 2007. Code thanks to Mortiz Pleintinger. """ # Parameters for possun [-8.5,0,0], from Wainscoat 1992 k = np.array([4.25, 4.25, 4.89, 4.89]) r0 = np.array([3.48, 3.48, 4.90, 4.90]) theta0 = np.array([0.0, 3.141, 2.525, 5.666]) # Wainscoat 1992 height = 0.3 # kpc idx = np.random.randint(4, size=size) ks = k[idx] r0s = r0[idx] theta0s = theta0[idx] tet = ks * np.log(self._distances / r0s) + theta0s winklcor = np.random.uniform(0.0, 2 * np.pi, size=size) corrtet = winklcor * np.exp( -0.35 * self._distances) # Faucher-Giguere 2007 spiraltheta = tet + corrtet # Faucher-Giguere 2007 zpos = rd.exponential(height, size=size) zpos *= np.random.choice([-1, 1], size=size) self._distances = self._distances + np.random.normal( 0, scale=0.07 * np.abs(self._distances), size=size) phi = np.arccos(zpos / np.sqrt(self._distances**2 + zpos**2)) self._theta = spiraltheta self._phi = phi